BOISE, Jan. 24, 2025 – Central District Health (CDH) is expanding its support for improving the health and well-being of young people in the city of Boise and beginning in January 2025, will serve as the Community Lead for the Communities for Youth Boise Initiative.
Communities for Youth Boise is a community-based, collaborative effort that utilizes upstream prevention approaches to address youth well-being. CDH Project Coordinator Heather Allan will staff the Community Lead role and will assist school and community partners, parents, and others in implementing strategies that help prevent youth mental health challenges.
In 2025, the Boise Initiative will focus specifically on increasing social connections for young people as a means of improving youth mental health.
“The 2024 Youth Well-being Survey results from Boise show that social connection is one of the driving factors behind youth depressive symptoms,” said Allan. “Helping partners across Boise in their efforts to increase young people’s connections to their peers, families, and safe trusted adults will go a long way in reducing those kind of mental health challenges.”
Communities for Youth Boise launched in August 2023 (youth surveys began in 2022) with more than 50 community leaders committing to the effort to “move upstream” and work together to prevent youth mental health challenges for the city’s young people. The Boise effort is one of several regional initiatives of Communities for Youth. Boise area schools and St. Luke’s are among the stakeholders committed to making Boise a Community for Youth.
“With a shared vision and a commitment to making a lasting impact, CDH is an ideal partner to lead the ongoing efforts to support youth mental health in the Boise community,” said Angie Gribble, senior director of community health and engagement for St. Luke’s Health System. “As a strategic partner, St. Luke’s will remain dedicated to working alongside our Communities for Youth partners to advance data-driven solutions and create meaningful change in the lives of Boise’s young people,” added Gribble.
For more information about the initiative and to learn how you can help, visit the Communities for Youth Boise Initiative’s page or reach out to Heather Allan at
Über Central District Health
CDH, Public Health District IV, ist einer von sieben öffentlichen Gesundheitsdistrikten im Bundesstaat Idaho und betreut die Bezirke Ada, Boise, Elmore und Valley. Mit der Vision "Gesunde Menschen in gesunden Gemeinden" liegt der Schwerpunkt des CDH auf der Verringerung der Risikofaktoren für chronische Krankheiten, der Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und der Erhöhung der Zahl der gesunden Lebensjahre der Einwohner.
Heather Allan, Community Lead / YASUP! Project Coordinator
Office: 208-327-8604 | Cell: 208-984-8507
Stephanie Borders, Kommunikationsmanagerin
Büro: 208-327-8639 | Handy 208-871-1712 |
Folgen @cdhidaho
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