


Expanding Measles Outbreak in Texas and New Mexico and Guidance for the Upcoming Travel Season

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory to notify clinicians, public health officials, and potential travelers about a measles outbreak in 德克萨斯州新墨西哥州 and offer guidance for prevention and monitoring. As of March 7, 2025, Texas and New Mexico have reported 208 confirmed cases associated with this outbreak (198 in 德克萨斯州 and 10 in 新墨西哥州). As a part of this outbreak, two deaths have been reported: one in 德克萨斯州 and one in 新墨西哥州. More cases are expected as this outbreak continues to expand rapidly.

Consider measles as a diagnosis in anyone with fever (≥101°F or 38.3°C) and a generalized maculopapular rash with cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis who has recently traveled, either internationally or domestically to a state with measles cases. When considering measles:

  • 隔离: 不要让疑似麻疹患者留在候诊室或医疗机构的其他公共区域;立即隔离疑似麻疹患者,如果有的话,最好将其隔离在单人空气传播感染隔离室(AIIR)中,或者隔离在一间关着门的单人病房中,直到空气传播感染隔离室可用为止。
  • 保护医护人员: 医疗服务提供者应充分 预防麻疹 并应遵守 标准预防措施和空气传播预防措施 在评估疑似病例时,无论其疫苗接种情况如何。没有免疫证据的医疗服务提供者应从首次接触后的第 5 天起禁止上班,直到最后一次接触后的第 21 天。在医疗机构外进行检测,以避免在医疗机构内传播。提前致电,确保转诊到医院接受更高一级护理的患者立即得到隔离。
  • 报告: Immediately report suspect or confirmed cases to Central District Health at 208-327-8625 or the Idaho Division of Public Health’s Epidemiology Section at 208-334-5939. Any suspected case of measles should be reported to ensure rapid testing and investigation.
  • 测试: 爱达荷州实验室局(IBL)接受鼻腔、鼻咽或咽喉拭子进行反转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测。用于 IgM 血清学检测的血液标本将交由外部检测实验室处理。 用于 RT-PCR 的样本 应使用合成拭子收集标本,并将其放入 1-3 毫升病毒转运培养基 (VTM) 或通用转运培养基 (UTM) 中。标本必须在 72 小时内送达实验室,温度为 2-8°C。如果采集后的运输时间预计超过 72 小时,则应将样本冷冻在 ≤ -20°C,并用干冰运输。使用海藻酸钙或木轴拭子采集的样本或干样本(不含 VTM/UTM)将被拒收。此外,任何超过温度要求的样本将不予检测。在出疹后 1 至 3 天采集标本最能成功检测麻疹 RNA。通过 RT-PCR 检测麻疹 RNA 的成功率可高达出疹后 10-14 天。除了标本的具体信息(病毒学标本的类型、运输介质和采集日期)外,以下信息也应包括在标本采集表中。 样本提交表:麻风腮疫苗接种史和日期(如果知道)、临床症状和体征、患者的出生日期、皮疹发病日期、之前的任何检测结果以及最近的旅行/接触史。
