Au service des comtés d'Ada, de Boise, d'Elmore et de Valley



Le CDH mène une enquête sur la tuberculose

BOISE, Dec. 4, 2024 – Central District Health has confirmed that an individual residing in the Meridian High School Attendance area has been diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB). The individual attended Meridian High School between August and November 2024.

There is no known ongoing risk for TB exposure at the school and it is safe for students and staff to attend school and participate in activities as usual. The general public is not at an increased risk of getting TB as a result of this case.

CDH is working with Meridian High School and West Ada School District to conduct a contact investigation to identify if any TB transmission might have occurred at the school. In the following days, letters will be sent to all staff and parents of students who potentially came in contact with the individual and need TB testing.

No persons other than those contacted directly by CDH will need to take action. Staff and students who are notified that they may have been exposed are encouraged to get tested for TB through their primary care provider, Central District Health, or the local health district closest to them. A free testing clinic for exposed students and staff will be held 5 to 7:30 p.m. on January 2, 2025 at the Meridian Library at 1326 W. Cherry Lane in Meridian. To schedule an appointment for testing at this clinic, please call (208) 321-2245 or email

À propos de la tuberculose

La tuberculose est une maladie causée par des bactéries qui se propagent dans l'air, généralement à la suite d'une exposition répétée et prolongée dans un espace intérieur confiné. Elle touche souvent les poumons, mais peut également affecter d'autres parties du corps.

• Most people who are exposed to TB do not get infected.
• People who are infected cannot give TB to others unless they are sick with TB.
• Typical symptoms of tuberculosis disease are a chronic cough, fever, or night sweats that are persistent for several weeks and usually get worse.

Les personnes qui présentent des symptômes chroniques et qui pensent avoir été exposées à la tuberculose doivent appeler leur prestataire de soins primaires. La plupart des cas de tuberculose peuvent être traités à l'aide d'antibiotiques couramment disponibles.

La tuberculose en Idaho

In Idaho, there were fifteen TB cases reported in 2023, five of which were in Ada County. TB case counts and information are tracked by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and can be found here.

Additional facts about TB are available on the Central District Health website ici.

À propos de Central District Health

Le CDH, district de santé publique IV, est l'un des sept districts de santé publique de l'État de l'Idaho, desservant les comtés d'Ada, de Boise, d'Elmore et de Valley. Avec une vision de Des personnes en bonne santé dans des communautés en bonne santéLe CDH met l'accent sur la réduction des facteurs de risque des maladies chroniques, l'amélioration de la qualité de vie et l'augmentation du nombre d'années de vie en bonne santé parmi les résidents.

Contact :

Trent Young, PIO Specialist

Office: 208-327-8525 | Cell: 208-224-1089 |

Maria Ortega, responsable de la communicationBureau : 208-327-8639 | Cellulaire : 208-871-1712 |

Suivez @cdhidaho (FB, Twitter & Instagram)


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