Food Establishment Licensing and Permitting
Central District Health Environmental Health Specialists permit and inspect all regulated food establishments and review plans for new and remodeled food establishments for Ada, Boise, Elmore and Valley counties.
What are the requirements for selling food?
Establishments that offer Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TCS) must be licensed by the local regulatory authority. This includes restaurants and mobile food trucks/carts, grocery stores/convenience stores, temporary and catered events, institutions and concession stands and food processors.
Under Idaho law, cottage food producers can sell their food directly to consumers at farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and special events. They can also deliver or pick up orders at home, or sell online.
- Cottage food producers cannot sell their products at restaurants, grocery stores, or other retail outlets. Those situations require a food processor license.
- A Cottage Food Designation must be obtained by the local regulatory authority.
CDH reviews and approves all food operations in Ada, Boise, Elmore and Valley county. For licensing fees, applications and guidance, please see the sections below. If you have any questions, email Central District Health.
Why is it important to regulate TCS foods?
It’s crucial for food service establishments and individuals preparing food to follow food safety guidelines to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Regulation of TCS foods helps to:
- Ensure public health: Consuming contaminated TCS foods can result in illnesses, such as salmonella or E. coli infections that can affect many people, causing serious health risks and potential fatalities. Maintaining TCS food safety is vital in protecting public health and reducing the burden on healthcare systems.
- Reduce waste: Properly handling and storing TCS foods can extend their shelf life, reducing the amount of food that goes to waste. This is economically beneficial for the operator and has a positive impact on the environment.
- Boost the economy: Outbreaks caused by consuming contaminated TCS foods can lead to financial losses for businesses and the local food economy through lawsuits and decreased customer confidence.
What Are TCS Foods?
TCS foods are also sometimes known as Potentially Hazardous Foods because they are more susceptible to bacterial growth and foodborne illnesses if not handled and stored correctly. Some of the most common TCS foods include but are not limited to:
- Meat, poultry and seafood products
- Dairy and egg products
- Cooked rice and pasta
- Tofu and other soy products
- Sliced fruit and vegetables and cut leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, kale)
- Sprouts and sprouted seeds (alfalfa, bean, broccoli sprouts)
- Soups, sandwiches, pastries and salads with TCS ingredients
What Are Cottage Foods?
Cottage food products are foods that are not sensitive to time and temperature controls, and only sold directly to an end consumer. This means that these products may not be sold by a third party. Possible locations that these items may be sold are farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and the internet. Cottage foods include but are not limited to:
- Popcorn and popcorn balls
- Baked goods, pastries and candies/confections that do not require refrigeration
- Canned fruit jams and jellies and honey
- Dried fruits, herbs and seasonings
- Cereals, trail mixes and granola
- Nuts
- Vinegar
- IDHW - 爱达荷州食品法典
- IDHW - 爱达荷州食品安全手册
- IDHW - 爱达荷州食品安全手册 - 西班牙文
- 立法机构 - 爱达荷州法规 - 搜索标题 39 健康与安全。第 16 章包括《食品机构法)
- DEQ - 技术指导手册
How do I license a permanent food establishment (restaurant, caterer, grocery, etc.)?
注意: Applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the planned opening of a new establishment or a change of ownership. New construction or extensive remodels prior to opening may require more than 30 days for a plan review process.
- 食肆执照申请
- 需要附上平面图
- 需要附上菜单副本
- 食品安全运行计划审查
- 食肆计划审查和批准表
Permanent restaurant fees - 2022 年 7 月
- 所有永久性食品经营场所,但一个场所拥有两个以上许可证的经营场所除外: $200
- 在一个场所内有两个以上许可证的食品店: $250
- 所有食品店申请的计划审查费: $100
Guidance documents
- 食品店要求概要 - 2024 年 10 月
- 小卖部协议
- 如果使用小卖部厨房,则必须填写。
- 如果使用小卖部厨房,则必须填写。
- Growler 站传单 - 2023 年 11 月 - 符合可回收容器再填充的规定
- 变更申请 - 说明 - 2023 年 12 月
- 申请变更建议书
How do I license a mobile food truck?
注意: Applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the planned opening of a new establishment or a change of ownership. New construction or extensive remodels prior to opening may require more than 30 days for a plan review process.
应用 - 流动食品店的申请必须包括以下文件:
- 流动食品店许可证申请
- 需要附上平面图
- 需要附上菜单副本
- 流动食品单位行动计划
- 小卖部协议
- 如果使用小卖部厨房,则必须填写。
- 如果使用小卖部厨房,则必须填写。
Mobile food establishment fees - 2022 年 7 月
- 提供全面服务,不设小卖部: $80
- 提供全面服务,设有小卖部: $100
- 所有食品店的计划审查费
应用: $100
Guidance documents
- 流动食品计划审查包 - 2023 年 12 月
- 流动食品要求表 - 2024 年 1 月
- 水车指南 - 2023 年 12 月
- 斯诺小屋政策/刨冰/意大利冰 - 2023 年 12 月
How do I license a food booth or coordinate a temporary event?
临时活动包括游行、街头集市、节日和类似活动,这些活动的具体期限不得超过连续 14 天。
- 所有食品和饮料供应商,无论食品或饮料类型如何,均需提交申请,除非已持有爱达荷州任何卫生区颁发的流动或临时活动许可证。
- Cottage food vendors must submit a completed Temporary Event Establishment License Application.
- 必须提供当前许可证的副本或未受管制状态的证明文件。
- 在活动期间,每个食品摊位都必须提交临时食品经营许可证申请并购买许可证。
- 如果供应商在同一天、同一时间参加多项活动,则需要为每项活动提交申请,并支付相应费用。
- 向餐馆和餐饮业者发放的永久性场所或小卖部年度食品经营许可证不适用于活动中的临时食品经营。
- 所有销售和/或分发食品(包括饮料)的供应商都必须提交临时活动场所许可证申请。
Temporary Event Food Establishment Fees – July 2024
- Operating for one day: $35
- Operating single event for two-three days: $45
- Operating for four days or multiple events: $80
Event coordinator guidance and applications
活动协调人必须填写特别活动通知申请表,并在活动开始日期前至少 30 天提交。
- 特别活动通知 - 信息 - 2023 年 12 月
- 便携式卫生设备
- 宠物动物园指南 - 2023 年 12 月
Food vendor guidance and applications
- 临时活动餐饮场所许可证申请
- 临时活动餐饮场所许可证/特别活动信息 - 2023 年 11 月
Flyers, Posters and Educational Materials
- 农贸市场/城市市场/类似活动信息 - 2023 年 12 月
- 农贸市场禁狗海报 #1 - 2023 年 11 月
- 农贸市场禁狗海报 #2 - 2023 年 11 月
- 食品安全通告 - 2023 年 10 月
- 禁止赤手空拳》海报 - 2024 年 8 月
- 宠物动物园指南 - 2023 年 12 月
- 爱达荷州食品安全考试
Do I need a license to sell cottage foods out of my home?
Cottage foods are foods prepared in a person’s home and sold directly to consumers. These are foods defined by Idaho Food Code as non-time/temperature (non-TCS) foods. Please fill out a 乡村食品评估表 to help determine if your operation qualifies as a cottage food.
A Cottage Food designation must be obtained annually. A new assessment form must be submitted each calendar year. Completed cottage Food Assessment Forms can be submitted by email at or brought into any of our offices. A Health Inspector will contact you to review your operation.
- 关于乡村食品的常见问题 - 2023 年 10 月
- 乡村食品评估表
- 乡村食品概况介绍 - 2023 年 10 月
- 乡村食品海报 1 - 2023 年 10 月
- 乡村食品海报 2 - 2023 年 10 月
- 爱达荷州食品安全考试
How do I become a food processor?
The Idaho Department of Agriculture has published Starting a Specialty Food Business in Idaho: A Comprehensive Guide – English | 西班牙语 for anyone looking to Start a Specialty Food Business in Idaho. This booklet contains extensive information ranging from food safety to marketing your business to tax information.
- 食品加工设施信息要求 - 2023 年 12 月
- 食品加工和分销 - 许可要求 - 2023 年 11 月
- 危害分析关键控制点 (HACCP) 工作表 - 2023 年 11 月
- 制定危害分析关键控制点 (HACCP) 计划 - 2023 年 12 月
- 用于零售的减氧包装- 2023 年 12 月
计划审查费: $100
USDA(美国农业部)第 2 次检查: $200
1 月 1-15 日的滞纳金: $35
1 月 15 日之后的逾期费:$70
恢复执照: $18
请求变更(/小时): $50
合规会议(/小时): $100
执法和法律费用(/小时): $150
CDH offers basic food safety video training and three advanced levels of food safety training for food establishment operators and their employees to assist managers in meeting the state code requirements. You review the requirements and find out how to schedule on the Food Safety Training page.
区号 83642:
区号 83669、83616、83714:
区号 83703、83709:
区号 83703、83709:
区号 83704、83713:
区号 83705、83706: