Home > Environmental Health > Water & Wastewater (Septic)
- Download and complete the Application for Accessory Use from the Septic Systems and Septic System Search page.
- Submit the completed form with a to-scale plot plan showing the details requested on the application and the fee for office review. CDH will review your application within ten working days and submit a letter to your city or county, whichever is appropriate.
Note: You will only be contacted directly if more information is required, or the application is denied.
- Download and complete the Application for On-Site Sewage Permit for your county from the Septic Systems and Septic System Search page.
- Submit the application with a to-scale plot plan showing the location of the proposed dwelling site, well site, septic site, and replacement septic site along with the permit fee.
- Contact the Public Health Specialist for your area above and schedule at a test hole for the site.
Ada & Boise Counties: 208-327-7499
Elmore County: 208-587-9225
Valley County: 208-634-7194
Test holes can be dug anytime of the year. However, if there is more than six inches of snow on the ground, a site evaluation after the snow is gone may be required before a permit can be issued.
CDH does not have a lab but can provide you with a sample bottle and instructions on how to collect the sample and a list of laboratories that may do your test.
Ada County: 208-327-7499
Boise County: 208-327-7499
Elmore County: 208-587-9225
Valley County: 208-634-7194
Call the Environmental Health office for your area above if you have further questions.
If you are on a septic system, an Application for On-site Sewage Permit and plot plan for your county are required to verify that the proposed location for the structure will not impact the septic system.
- The new structure should not be placed in a location that would allow you to run over either tank or drain field with large equipment, drive over it, or excavate into it when building.
- After the determination that the new structure will be in the proper location, the appropriate city or county department will be notified that our office approves issuing a building permit.
Note: You will only be contacted directly if more information is required, or the application is denied.
- The central water fee applies to a review of a subdivision plat that will be served by central water and sewer.
- The on-site sewage fee applies to a review of a subdivision plat that is proposing the use of individual or community septic systems. Individual or community septic system fees are charged a per buildable lot fee.
Septic System Search
If you have recently purchased a property and would like to find information about your septic system you may be able to find it using the resources above.
Can’t find the information you need? Please complete the form or give us a call.
Environmental Health
Ada & Boise Counties 208-327-7499
Elmore County 208-587-4407
Valley County 208-634-7194