Serving Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley Counties




Communications Manager


CDH Events Calendar

February 2025
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Health Policy & Promotion
4:00 AM – 7:00 AM

























Latest News from Central District Health

Public Records and Media Requests

Central District Health Project Coordinator to Serve as Community Lead for Communities for Youth Boise Initiative

Central District Health (CDH) is expanding its support for improving the health and well-being of young people in the city of Boise and beginning in January 2025, will serve as the Community Lead for the Communities for Youth Boise Initiative.

CDH Conducting a Tuberculosis Investigation

CDH has confirmed that an individual residing in the Meridian High School Attendance area has been diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB). The individual attended Meridian High School between August and November 2024.

CDH Grant Supports Youth, Families in Boise County

Central District Health and Boise County community partners helped foster positive experiences for area youth through a grant that funded outings, events and sports scholarships and continues to promote family engagement.

Local Health Districts Warn About Sharp Increase in Pertussis Cases

Central District Health (CDH) and Southwest District Health (SWDH) advise that there have been 171 cases of pertussis (aka. whooping cough) reported in the region so far this year. This is a sharp increase compared to 10 cases total for 2023.

First human infections of West Nile virus in Idaho this year

Idaho’s first two human West Nile virus (WNV) infections this year were identified in a female Canyon County resident who is over the age of 60 and a male Ada County resident who is also over the age of 60 on Monday, Aug. 26.

Health officials investigate outbreak linked to raw milk

Idaho Public Health officials are investigating recent reports of 18 people who recently experienced symptoms of, and tested positive for, Campylobacter, and who also reported purchasing and drinking unpasteurized (raw) milk from Paradise Grove Dairy.

Pilot Program for Students’ Mental Health to End in 2025

CDH reminds students and their families in the Boise, Kuna and West Ada School Districts that there are free mental health resources available until December 31, 2024 through the Student & Family Assistance Program (SFAP). The program will end at the end of this calendar year.

Change of Services to Minors

As of July 1, 2024, as per Idaho’s Senate Bill 1329, except as otherwise provided by court order, parental consent is required for those under 18 years of age. Central District Health can’t provide health care services to a minor child without obtaining the prior consent of the minor child's parent or legal guardian.

Vaping Education, Resources Available to Parents/Guardians

Central District Health is offering free virtual CATCH My Breath training sessions throughout the year. Parents and guardians will learn important facts about the youth vaping epidemic and discover resources available for their families to help reduce youth vaping.

CDH Offers Low- to No-Cost Services This Summer in McCall

CDH is offering low- to no-cost services this summer from 1:30-5:30 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month in June, July and August at its Valley County offices in McCall

Free Resources Support Students’ Mental Health During Summer Break

Central District Health reminds students and their families in the Boise, Kuna and West Ada school districts that there are free mental health resources available during the summer break.

Drug Overdose Support, Resources Available to Valley County Residents

In response to the recent loss of four lives due to drug overdoses in Valley County, Central District Health and Valley County Opioid Response Project (VCORP) encourage community members to learn about local resources to raise awareness.

CDH Offers Free Health Tools and Resources Online

Central District Health has launched the CDH Storefront, a one-stop online shop for community members in Ada, Boise, Elmore and Valley counties to order health resources and educational materials.

CDH Reminds Community to be Proactive on World TB Day

Central District Health is reminding community members and health practitioners to be proactive towards preventing tuberculosis spread in our communities during World Tuberculosis Day on March 24.  

Pertussis (whooping cough) on the rise in southwest Idaho

The number of people reported with pertussis in southwest Idaho during the first two months of this year has recently spiked. Cases include a newborn hospitalized for the infection, as well as cases from spread in a school, several households, and community settings.

CDH, Boise School District Offering WIC Clinics at Taft

Central District Health is partnering with the Boise School District to present a pilot program that offers free WIC clinics at elementary schools to support families who qualify for the program.

CDH Alerts About Rising Cases of Pertussis in 2024

Central District Health advises that there have been 14 cases of pertussis (whooping cough) reported in Ada County since Jan. 1, 2024, compared to seven cases total for the 12 months in 2023 and two cases in 2022. No cases have been reported in Boise, Elmore or Valley counties so far this year.

Central District Health Conducting a Tuberculosis Investigation

Central District Health (CDH) is investigating a probable case of tuberculosis (TB) in a resident of the Boise State University campus. The individual has not lived in Boise or attended Boise State since Dec. 15, 2023.

Media Advisory: Media Invited to Learn about Three-Year Community Health Implementation Plan

The Western Idaho Community Health Collaborative (WICHC) will hold a press conference to present Idaho’s first community-driven Regional Health Implementation Plan.

Free Resources Support Students’ Mental Health During Winter Break

Central District Health reminds students and their families that there are free mental health resources available during the winter break.


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