Home > Community Health > Community Health Partnerships > Valley County Opioid Response Project

- Vision: We envision a community where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive, develop resiliency and live to their full potential.
- Mission: To mobilize community strengths to improve the physical and mental well-being of youth, families and individuals through innovative initiatives in the West Central Mountains.
- Values: Collaboration | Compassion | Excellence | Inclusiveness| Innovativeness | Adventurous
The Valley County Opioid Response Project (VCORP) was created in 2018 to address the opioid epidemic in Valley County. Central District Health received three grants from the Health Resources & Service Administration (HRSA) Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) Mental that funded the efforts of VCORP. The first grant was a planning grant in 2018 for $200,000 to develop strategies to reduce opioid use and overdoses. The second was a $1 million grant from 2020 to 2023 to implement prevention, treatment and recovery services to reduce opioid use and overdoses. In 2022, CDH was awarded a third grant for $2 million for four years to improve the capacity of the behavioral health care system. In 2022, VCORP expanded its grant service area to include Adams County.
Ignite Idaho and Western Central Mountains Youth Advocacy Coalition (YAC) are subgrantees of the current grant. Dr. Royce Hutson is contracted to provide evaluation and strategic planning services. Together, CDH, the subgrantees and the VCORP Consortium will address prevention, treatment and recovery in Valley County activities specified by the grant.
VCORP is a collaborative consortium of partners from Valley and Adams counties and works to increase collaborative relationships between multi-sector stakeholders, including clinical, and behavioral health. The Valley County Opioid Response Project (VCORP) Consortium meets monthly and community members are welcome to attend.
Agency Partners are:
- A New Life Coaching
- Boise State University
- Cascade Medical Center
- Central District Health
- Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections
- Ignite Idaho
- McCall City Council
- New Meadows City Council
- Rise Up 2 Thrive
- Recovery-Oriented Community (ROC)/Peer Wellness
- Sisu Behavioral Health
- St. Luke’s McCall
- The University of Idaho, Echo Idaho
- Valley County
- West Central Mountains Youth Advocacy Coalition
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