Home > Health > WIC – Women, Infants, and Children > Breastfeeding

All our WIC staff are trained to encourage and support breastfeeding, as breastfeeding is the optimal method of feeding for most infants.
Scroll down to learn about some breastfeeding resources recommended by our staff.
Did you know that as a breastfeeding mom you have certain rights? There are laws in place to help you meet your breastfeeding goals, including laws about breastfeeding in public and pumping at work. Talk to the CDH team about breastfeeding laws in your area and see these links for more information:
DOL – Your Right to Pump at Work
USDA – Your Breastfeeding Rights
Every Ounce Counts
Developed by the Texas Department of State Health Services WIC Program, Every Ounce Counts is a website full of useful information about breastfeeding.
Youtube – Nursing is Normal
The Central District Breastfeeding Coalition has created a video about the importance of breastfeeding. The video is a photographic display of nursing moms in public settings. The intention behind the project is that the more often something is seen the more accepted it becomes. The mothers that are a part of this project, including several WIC mothers, are posing in various public settings to help other mothers feel comfortable nursing in public.
If you have questions about WIC, please fill out the form or call us.
Ada & Boise Counties 208-327-7400
Elmore County 208-587-4409
Valley County 208-634-7194