Au service des comtés d'Ada, de Boise, d'Elmore et de Valley




Programme de sécurité alimentaire


Food Establishment Licensing and Permitting​

Central District Health Environmental Health Specialists permit and inspect all regulated food establishments and review plans for new and remodeled food establishments for Ada, Boise, Elmore and Valley counties.

Establishments that offer Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TCS) must be licensed by the local regulatory authority. This includes restaurants and mobile food trucks/carts, grocery stores/convenience stores, temporary and catered events, institutions and concession stands and food processors.

Under Idaho law, cottage food producers can sell their food directly to consumers at farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and special events. They can also deliver or pick up orders at home, or sell online.

  • Cottage food producers cannot sell their products at restaurants, grocery stores, or other retail outlets. Those situations require a food processor license.
  • A Cottage Food Designation must be obtained by the local regulatory authority.

CDH reviews and approves all food operations in Ada, Boise, Elmore and Valley county. For licensing fees, applications and guidance, please see the sections below. If you have any questions, email Central District Health.


Why is it important to regulate TCS foods?

It’s crucial for food service establishments and individuals preparing food to follow food safety guidelines to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Regulation of TCS foods helps to:

  • Ensure public health: Consuming contaminated TCS foods can result in illnesses, such as salmonella or E. coli infections that can affect many people, causing serious health risks and potential fatalities. Maintaining TCS food safety is vital in protecting public health and reducing the burden on healthcare systems.
  • Reduce waste: Properly handling and storing TCS foods can extend their shelf life, reducing the amount of food that goes to waste. This is economically beneficial for the operator and has a positive impact on the environment.
  • Boost the economy: Outbreaks caused by consuming contaminated TCS foods can lead to financial losses for businesses and the local food economy through lawsuits and decreased customer confidence.

What Are TCS Foods?

TCS foods are also sometimes known as Potentially Hazardous Foods because they are more susceptible to bacterial growth and foodborne illnesses if not handled and stored correctly. Some of the most common TCS foods include but are not limited to:

  • Meat, poultry and seafood products
  • Dairy and egg products
  • Cooked rice and pasta
  • Tofu and other soy products
  • Sliced fruit and vegetables and cut leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, kale)
  • Sprouts and sprouted seeds (alfalfa, bean, broccoli sprouts)
  • Soups, sandwiches, pastries and salads with TCS ingredients

What Are Cottage Foods?

Cottage food products are foods that are not sensitive to time and temperature controls, and only sold directly to an end consumer. This means that these products may not be sold by a third party. Possible locations that these items may be sold are farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and the internet. Cottage foods include but are not limited to:

  • Popcorn and popcorn balls
  • Baked goods, pastries and candies/confections that do not require refrigeration
  • Canned fruit jams and jellies and honey
  • Dried fruits, herbs and seasonings
  • Cereals, trail mixes and granola
  • Nuts
  • Vinegar



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Programme de sécurité alimentaire


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Contacts par comté

Comté d'Ada

Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Hidden Springs, Kuna, Meridian, Star

Indicatif régional 83642 :
Indicatifs régionaux 83669, 83616, 83714 : 
Indicatifs régionaux 83703, 83709 :
Indicatifs régionaux 83703, 83709 :
Indicatifs régionaux 83704, 83713 :
Indicatifs régionaux 83705, 83706 :

Comté de Boise

Banks, Crouch, Garden Valley, Horseshoe Bend, Idaho City, Lowman, Placerville


Comté d'Elmore

Atlanta, Featherville, Glens Ferry, Hammett, Mountain Home, Pine


Comté de la vallée

Cascade, Donnelly, Lake Fork, McCall, Smiths Ferry, Yellow Pine



Le CDH propose des outils et des ressources gratuits en ligne sur la santé

Central District Health a lancé le CDH Storefront, un guichet unique en ligne permettant aux membres de la communauté des comtés d'Ada, de Boise, d'Elmore et de Valley de commander des ressources en matière de santé et du matériel éducatif.

Des ressources gratuites pour soutenir la santé mentale des étudiants pendant les vacances d'hiver

Central District Health rappelle aux étudiants et à leurs familles que des ressources gratuites en matière de santé mentale sont disponibles pendant les vacances d'hiver.

La variole revient dans l'Idaho : Les autorités sanitaires soulignent l'importance de la vaccination

L'IDHW et le CDH ont annoncé les deux premières personnes diagnostiquées avec le mpox dans l'Idaho depuis l'année dernière. L'enquête est en cours, mais les deux personnes ont déclaré avoir voyagé en dehors de l'État, ce qui pourrait être lié à ces diagnostics. Les deux personnes diagnostiquées sont des résidents du comté d'Ada.

Les autorités sanitaires enquêtent sur une épidémie dans le comté d'Ada liée au lait cru

Le Central District Health (CDH) a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'il enquêtait sur des cas récents de maladie chez cinq résidents du comté d'Ada qui pourraient être associés à la consommation de lait non pasteurisé (cru).