Home > Health > Prevention Programs > Drug Overdose Prevention Program > Overdose Prevention and Response Supplies
Overdose prevention and rescue supplies can prevent accidental and intentional overdose. Use the links below to request opioid overdose reversal and prevention supplies.
Opioid overdose rescue supplies *DO NOT* substitute for emergency medical attention from licensed medical providers, which should be consulted immediately in the case of a known or suspected overdose.
For a full training on how to prevent, recognize, and respond to an opioid overdose, contact Central District Health’s Drug Overdose Prevention Program at DOPP@cdh.idaho.gov.
Free Overdose Prevention & Response Supplies

CDH Overdose Prevention & Response Supplies Order Form
Tactical kit bag, IM Naloxone Hard Case Kit, CPR rescue mask, face shield, Deterra Drug Deactivation Pouches, prescription lock boxes, and more.
Naloxone Distribution Boxes & Sharps Disposal Locations
Can’t find the information you need? Please complete the form or give us a call.