Serving Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley Counties



Provider Resources for Idaho COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Idaho has received the first shipments of COVID-19 vaccines! All Idaho providers can access vaccine information and education specific to Idaho’s vaccination program on the Idaho Coronavirus webpage and the Department of Health and Welfare website. We encourage providers to check these resources often as information is being released frequently.

Resources for providers are available on topics including enrolling in the COVID-19 Vaccination Program, storage and handling, required reporting, and vaccine safety.

Providers and key facility staff who are overseeing or handling COVID-19 vaccines must review all required training to participate in Idaho’s COVID-19 Vaccination Program. Providers will be notified when new material is released.

Required training includes requirements for participation in the vaccine program, storage and handing, administration, ordering, reporting, temperature monitoring, vaccine management, and other topics.

Provider training sessions related to COVID-19 vaccine are being held weekly by staff in the Idaho Immunization Program. Through the end of December, training will be held on the following days of the week and times:

  • Wednesdays at 8:00 am MT
  • Thursdays at 12:00 pm MT
  • Thursdays at 6:00 pm MT
  • Fridays at 3:00 pm MT

The Immunization Program will also host Office Hours every Wednesday from 12-1 pm. Office Hours are held via WebEx. Enrolled providers’ primary and secondary contacts will receive a link via email each Tuesday. Providers should work with their facility contacts to ensure all staff at their facility who need to attend are able to.

Patients inquiring about when they will be eligible for a vaccine may be directed to the website. In addition, CDC has excellent information in their communication toolkit at

Issued via Health Alert Network (HAN) | Central District Health | December 15, 2020

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