


Sick Visits

Visit us for sore throats, ear infections, rashes, or minor suturing

Wellness Exams

Schedule your wellness exam for preventive care

School Sports Physicals

Get ready for the sports season!  Insurance cannot be billed for these visits

Immunizations & Mobile Clinics

All childhood vaccines offered + ask us about adult vaccines available
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Health Care

Exams, STD/STI testing, birth control, and education for adults and teens
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Disease Management

From mild to moderate asthma, obesity, pre-diabetes, or hypertension

Assisted Treatment

Prescribing buprenorphine to patients with opioid use disorder
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Counseling Services

Counseling and behavioral health services at our Boise location and via telehealth
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Telehealth Visits

Visit with a provider online when an in-person visit may not be accessible or convenient

Our Specialty is Everyone. Our Specialty is You.

Schedule Your Next Clinic Visit Today

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Telehealth appointments are available for scheduling from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Patients must be in Idaho at the time of the appointment.




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Family & Clinic Services


Ada & Boise Counties 208-327-7400
Elmore County 208-587-4407

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Local Health Districts Warn About Sharp Increase in Pertussis Cases

Central District Health (CDH) and Southwest District Health (SWDH) advise that there have been 171 cases of pertussis (aka. whooping cough) reported in the region so far this year. This is a sharp increase compared to 10 cases total for 2023.

Health officials investigate outbreak linked to raw milk

Idaho Public Health officials are investigating recent reports of 18 people who recently experienced symptoms of, and tested positive for, Campylobacter, and who also reported purchasing and drinking unpasteurized (raw) milk from Paradise Grove Dairy.

Change of Services to Minors

As of July 1, 2024, as per Idaho’s Senate Bill 1329, except as otherwise provided by court order, parental consent is required for those under 18 years of age. Central District Health can’t provide health care services to a minor child without obtaining the prior consent of the minor child's parent or legal guardian.

Vaping Education, Resources Available to Parents/Guardians

Central District Health is offering free virtual CATCH My Breath training sessions throughout the year. Parents and guardians will learn important facts about the youth vaping epidemic and discover resources available for their families to help reduce youth vaping.

COVID-19 Safety

In an effort to protect the health of our patients, staff, and community, any individuals over the age of two who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection or who have symptoms including fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, or nausea are required to wear a face mask in our clinics.

Individuals may also choose to continue masking based on personal preference and their perceived level of risk for infection.

For more information on other ways we can be of service to you, please call 208-327-7400.

En un esfuerzo por proteger la salud de nuestros pacientes, los empleados y la comunidad, sera obligatorio el uso de mascarilla en nuestras clínicas para cualquier persona mayor de dos años que tenga sospecha o confirmación de infección por COVID-19 o que tenga síntomas que incluyen fiebre, dolor de garganta, escurrimiento nasal, tos o náuseas.

Usted también puede optar en continuar con el uso de máscaras según sus preferencias personales y su nivel percibido de riesgo de infección.

Para obtener más información sobre otras formas en que podamos servirle, favor de llamar al 208-327-7400.